Model Driven Power Apps

 Model-Driven Power Apps


Model-Driven apps is a low-code platform enables the business to build their own custom application. Even if anyone does not know coding can build an application using Microsoft Power Apps. The model-driven application follows a data-first approach to building an application. It has the ability to generate data models based on the datasets or the database data for more complex business applications.

Benefits of Model-driven Application:
  • Component-focused no-code design environment.
  • Complex responsive application to be accessed from mobile or desktop.
  • Rich Design Capability

How to Create Model-Driven Application

  • Sign in to the Power Apps portal.
  • From the left pane select Data and click on Tables ( Earlier it was known as entities).

  • Now click on the New table option and a right side form will appear. 
  • Fill this form and create your table. 
  • When the table is created find your table name and click to open it and insert required rows in the table and Save your table.

  • When done with table creation click on Create from the left windowpane.
  • Select Model-driven app from blank.

  • A window will appear then click on create button.

  • Enter the name of your application and click done.
  • App Designer page will be open.
  • From the right side, windowpane click on entities and select your entity or table name.
  • Configure our site map,  Business process flow(if required), and check all the forms and views to be displayed in the app.
  • You can also include charts and bar diagrams to make your apps look good.
  • Now,  click on save then click on validate, then click on publish after that click on the Play button to view your app.


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