Canvas App



To build an app we need to write code in different programming languages for designing the frontend or User Interface and for handling backend which takes a lot of time and effort. But with the help of Canvas App, It can be built without writing code or with less code in Power Apps.


How to Build a Canvas App

Step 1: Sign in to power apps

Step 2: From left Menu select create and click on Canvas app from Blank.

Step 3: Give Name to your Application and select format either for phone or for tablet and click on create button.


Step 4: From Left side bar click on Data icon and click on Add data Button.

Step 5:  Select Entities or Connectors to create connection to Database and click on connection and select table of your database.

Step 6: After Connection of database click on tree view from the left side of menu and start designing your app accordingly with the help of insert menu on the top of menu bar.

Step 7: Save and Run your app by clicking on the play button given on upper left side of power app studio.  


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